Well I have been "very" busy these past few months because of college and not only are the classes themselves time consuming but I happened to think that playing football in college was a good idea. Unless you have 30-hour days, it is such a chore! I mean, you gotta "really" love football to be that dedicated. All I really do is kick the ball and occasionally dabble in the linebacker position but come on, it's for fun; some guys just take it too seriously.
Also, if you plan to go to college, all you high-schoolers, make sure you pay attention in calculus class because you will "need" it for most majors. I found that out very quickly.
On the lighter side of things. Living with a bunch of other people in a semi-closed community is awesome and there is something to do just about every night! So to sum it all up, college life is really exciting and you will learn a lot from it. Oh, and don't be anti-social, it's all about connections when you get out of college, not what you learned and yes, I am serious. It's all about who you know in life, not what you know... Unless you're P. Diddy.
please keep rockin
give is more cool rock, if there's anything more to be given
there is so much dumb shit in the grunge section
(sorry i panned "nails taste like spirit matter" it really does rock)
<sweet little old lady voice> "Good to hear your having fun and making friends you're at college!"