Duh, duh duh duh dah. duh duh duh dah, duh duh duh dah duh!

Age 36, Male

College Student

Grinnell College

The Midwest!

Joined on 11/30/02

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Scribbler's News

Posted by Scribbler - February 3rd, 2009

So I make music.

Posted by Scribbler - January 12th, 2009

My face hurt so I slapped it. When mom saw me do this, she took me to the hospital. At the hospital, a nurse congratulated Mom because her tummy looked big. Mom wasn't pregnant. Mom was just constipated. As the doctor messily scribbled some hip hop lyrics on parchment paper, he winked at me with an eye made of glass.

"I used to listen to Dre and smoke hashish!" he said with a British accent as his hand methodically patted my back.

"Is that of French origin?" I keenly asked referring to his 'stache.

The doctor wasn't paying attention; he was trying to pop a zit he found on his paper. Once we got the parking lot, Dad threw me his prosthetic leg and quietly began to shush me. Dad said I was too loud; the sky was trying to sleep.

In the car, I fell asleep. When I awoke, dad was drinking spaghetti sauce out of a tin flask. Mom wasn't in the front seat. Dad turned around and looked at me.

"Oh, you're awake. That's good, that's good," he procalimed.

Dad threw me his wallet. It was made of eel skin.

"It has too much money, do something about that!" he yelled over the foreign music. The radio was playing Japanese Pop. Dad's wallet was covered in teeth marks. Instinctively, I grabbed some butter from my pocket and quickly smeared it on the wallet. Dad turned around and sneered.

"That's a good idea," said the sneer on Dad's face. Dad's hand slapped me very hard. It hurt more than it should have, but I liked it. I looked at the sky and then at Dad.

I fell asleep. When I awoke, I decided to go to confession. It had been twelve years since I had last gone. Grabbing my periwinkle sport coat, I strutted out the back door. Dad was passed out, probably from drinking too much spaghetti sauce. I skipped down the street, whistling my favorite ditty. I couldn't find my car because its color was a mystery to me. The color "persimmon" was roughly scribbled on my left hand. Slowly, I searched for a persimmon car. After twelve minutes, I gave up.

Momentarily forgetting my fear of the dark, I silently marched up Main St. and straddled a couple lamp posts on the way. I was secretly looking for Wes Anderson's house.

Posted by Scribbler - January 12th, 2009

Another cloud had just died. It just never made sense to me. I always thought clouds were incapable of dying. In witnessing the death of a cloud, everything scientific is immediately contradicted. For the thirty-seven seconds it takes a cloud to die, all rules of physics and reality cease to exist. In the seventh grade, I was told that clouds were actually just a bunch of tiny water droplets tightly packed together. Turns out Mrs. Grownd was wrong after all.

At first, the random death of clouds didn't bother me due to the overabundance of other clouds in the sky. I do have to admit that my first cloud death was horrific. It happened just over two years ago, during my stay in Japan. I was leisurely pacing, back and forth, from vending machine to kiosk, in search of something truly bizarre. I was secretly hoping to get mugged but that didn't happen because Japanese people are extremely affable.

Oblivious to my surroundings, I was casually strolling down a pavement made of ceramic tiles when I heard it; the distinctive sound of a deflating balloon. The sound was loud enough to scare the Japanese birds. At first, the shriek was deceptively similar to that of Godzilla's, except a little more high-pitched. Readying myself for anything, I quickly tilted my head back and squinted up at the sky. My eyes began to water. Take some raw hamburger, stuff it inside a lamb-skin condom and grease the outside with some vegetable oil, then squeeze it; that's what a cloud feels like.

It was like watching a giant hot-air balloon slowly swooning to the ground, just with a bit more shrieking and specks of blood flying everywhere. I failed to mention that clouds do bleed. Imagine a Jackson Pollack painting, except the paint is blood and the canvas is the world. To make myself feel better, I just pretend its ketchup

Some clouds accidentally get their parts snagged on the pointy ends of tall sky-scrapers. Others unknowingly bump into other clouds. Clouds are blind. The scientists now tell us that the average life span of a cloud is roughly seventeen hours. No insurance companies will cover individuals involved in cloud-deaths. It must happen too often. Oddly enough, there have been occasional sightings involving cloud births. Nothing about birth is pretty. Twenty years ago, people complained about birds getting their cars dirty. Today, people complain about clouds spilling their reproductive juices on everything. It isn't clean. Imagine a regular birth; a cloud birth isn't too different. The only difference is that it's in the sky, and the messy stuff gets everywhere.

Two weeks ago, Japan received a letter from Jesus. Jesus said he was going to fix the problem. Jesus never fixed any of my problems.

Posted by Scribbler - December 16th, 2008

As winter break approaches, I am finishing my exams. Right now, I am focusing on my African Politics paper and I am trying to make it as good as I can. It's taking longer than I anticipated because I have two of them and am currently finishing the first one. Tomorrow, I will do the second one and then study for my other exams.

I have Fable II, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, BOI: Hell's Highway, Alone in the Dark, Condemned 2, and Rainbow Six 2 all waiting for me once I go back home. I abstained from playing them so I can focus on school and it's been good so far. I am excited to play them.

I also think I will be making more music over break, if not, I will be writing more stories, definitely. But yeah, this is just a quick/short little update.

Posted by Scribbler - December 1st, 2008

So I am excited about music again! I have taken a two+ month break and every time I hear a song, I get all these great ideas! I dunno if I'll be able to pull them off but this Christmas, I will be working on some new productions so those of you holding your breaths will be able to breathe out, sorta. So many great ideas! But right now, college is the priority so until then!

Posted by Scribbler - November 5th, 2008

Obama. I respect that.

Posted by Scribbler - October 28th, 2008

I only made one song during my break. Technically two since a second was submitted but eh, it's alright. Didn't get as far as I had hoped but there's always next time. Enjoy what I have so far in the mean time and we'll see how often I can update this thing, though I guarantee it will be scarce.

Posted by Scribbler - October 18th, 2008

So after 2 months and 2 days, I am back for another week. College really is time-consuming but I love it. Sure, it doesn't give me the time to make music and enjoy other things but it's nurturing. In any case, I have 7 days to be productive and by God I will try my best. As a present to those who enjoy (or seem to enjoy) my music, I have uploaded a new song that was going to wait but I got too anxious...

It's the song for Invertebrata, the tentative sequel to Ansel's Larva. The movie itself will be done when he is ready but until then, this is the song.

Regardless, I am going to try and release a couple more songs this week. Wish me luck and I hope I haven't been gone too long for some people.

1 Week

Posted by Scribbler - August 15th, 2008

Back in college right now. I am early but this year I am a Student Advisor so I gotta do special stuff. Music production will be slowed down but there still should be some occasion stuff from me. Upcoming are a few surprises I brewed with a couple of my favorite people during the summer so just cause stuff from me seemed a bit "toned down" or lessened this year, it's because the projects I was involved in actually took a while to finish. Yes, music can take a while to finish as well! It's not just flash. But once the stuff is released, I think you guys will appreciate.

A tentative date to expect all this? Um, anywhere from mid September to late November.

Empty training.

Posted by Scribbler - August 5th, 2008

I am working on a new film (well, animation but I like to call it film) with Bryce Milburn, details are sparse at the moment so all that needs to be said is, it's being worked on. All voicing is done so now, it's animation-production time. I think it will be well-received.

Ansel is making Larvae 2, which is actually going to be called Invertebrata. After roughly a month of working on and off on the song, I finally completed it today. It is still waiting the approval of Ansel and my seal of completion but I can safely say it is 98% done so technically it is, yeah but not really but it is...

Fancy Mike is my latest project, please support Fancy Mike if you enjoy experimental/down-tempo hip-hop. Some of you, well most of you are turned off by hip-hop and I agree to some extent, hip-hop nowadays isn't what it should be but I assure you, Fancy Mike is striving to change that. For more localized content by Fancy Mike, check Heavy, Monsterville, and Time Travel.