Duh, duh duh duh dah. duh duh duh dah, duh duh duh dah duh!

Age 36, Male

College Student

Grinnell College

The Midwest!

Joined on 11/30/02

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Scribbler's News

Posted by Scribbler - March 19th, 2008

Clouds make me happy.

Posted by Scribbler - January 18th, 2008

I recently began writing a new short story entitled "The Laundromat." I haven't written a true short story in such a long time and now that I've started again, I realize how much I miss it. Here is a short sample from Chapter Three:

To one corner of the room, what looked like the director was sitting on a stool. In addition to the fishily smell, there was an aroma of sweat and scented lubricants. Surrounding the director were his understudies, each memorizing his lines and studying his every movement. In case he ever became sick, one of the dozen would take his place, for the day.

What I forgot to mention was that the director had a painting for a head. No, not a mask or a hat but a painting. His head was a painting. The painting was the Mona Lisa. Inquisitively, I wondered in astonishment at the pragmatism of the situation.
Sitting across from the director was Mrs. Claus. Mrs. Claus was strategically positioned on a bed made of that NASA foam. The foam that forms around your body. Mrs. Claus looked surprisingly attractive for her age. Oddly enough, she was wearing extremely revealing lingerie. What did Santa think of that?

It wasn't until a dozen seconds had passed that I realized the absurdity of the situation. The director who had the Mona Lisa for a head was filming a pornographic film in the Laundromat. I must have walked in during one of the many breaks they take while filming a pornographic film.

Quietly, I slithered across the floor and sat at one of the tables. Nobody said anything; in fact, nobody seemed to acknowledge my presence.

An hour and twenty minutes passed and absolutely nothing happened. I was bored out of my mind. The hobo was now slumped into his Cromwellian chair only now he was fast asleep.
Click here if you want to read more.

For those interested in my work, please leave a comment so I can add you to the list of references. I don't have a link of my work available online yet but if the need arises, it can be done. It's all up to you.

Posted by Scribbler - January 9th, 2008

So it's the New Year: 2008. Happy New Year everybody. Generally, I am not one for "repeated" and generic remarks such as "Happy New Year" but I think that straying from my habitual tendencies can't hurt. So, you're reading this so obviously you either want to be entertained or find out what I am up to, well...

On January 07, 2008 at about 2:46 PM, I turned on my Xbox 360 for the first time that day and gues what? I got the dreaded three lights of death! yeah, the red ones that mean the system isn't working anymore. What a shame cause it's not only the new year but I got the system for Christmas in 2006 so the system is only about a year old! Ah well, it was bound to happen cause it's a 360 right? And I knew it too cause I made sure to be careful whenever I used it! I contacted Microsoft online last night and there should be a coffin (empty box) coming to my house anytime this week (but it'll probably be here next week.) Oh, and this is just in time for Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, I ordered those games last week and they should be here this week so hooray!
GT: DoctorScribbler

To compensate for having no Xbox 360 for a while, I started focusing more on music and flash perhaps? I made a new song today, just a demo, nothing special: The Broken Keys (Demo) Just using a fairly brand new mic (only got it about 6 months ago) and it was recommended to me by none other than Joshua Tomar, what a great guy... I mean, I have worked with him on several occasions and even have his voice featured in one of my flashes! He is a great guy and I hear that he will be voicing for video games in the near future so get to know him before he ceases to be a "normal" person. Ha! Getting back to what I was saying, musically I have a lot of plans but can't be revealing anything at the moment because, well I am not superstitious but I heard that it's bad luck to give away certain future plans so...

As far as flash goes, I have been kicking the idea around for quite a while now but I think I am going to go through with it. I presented the idea to several acquaintances and they loved it, saying that they have never seen anything like it. The basic premise features a bunch of characters developed and drawn by my really good friend Nathaniel Milburn with whom I have worked numerous times, and these characters will be featured in various skits written by me and I am hoping that these skits will be funny enough for me to stay interested.

There is a ton more happening but I guess I will save that for other posts and if you have made it this far, please leave a message or some sort of post so that I know someone's reading all this nonsensical bullshit and I'm not alone... Please? Heh. Oh my, it's 3:44 AM.


Posted by Scribbler - November 11th, 2007

Well I have been "very" busy these past few months because of college and not only are the classes themselves time consuming but I happened to think that playing football in college was a good idea. Unless you have 30-hour days, it is such a chore! I mean, you gotta "really" love football to be that dedicated. All I really do is kick the ball and occasionally dabble in the linebacker position but come on, it's for fun; some guys just take it too seriously.

Also, if you plan to go to college, all you high-schoolers, make sure you pay attention in calculus class because you will "need" it for most majors. I found that out very quickly.

On the lighter side of things. Living with a bunch of other people in a semi-closed community is awesome and there is something to do just about every night! So to sum it all up, college life is really exciting and you will learn a lot from it. Oh, and don't be anti-social, it's all about connections when you get out of college, not what you learned and yes, I am serious. It's all about who you know in life, not what you know... Unless you're P. Diddy.

Posted by Scribbler - August 6th, 2007

I actually have some stuff to look forward to for now, not sure when these "things" will be readily available but when they are, I won't be sleeping.

Castle Crashers. Even though I don't have any Microsoft Points (damn you Microsoft!) I will probably purchase some points just for this game.

alanthebox's feature length film: this will not disappoint, I have been waiting for it for such a long time and from what I have heard/previewed recently; I am so hyped! It is going to be out of this world.

Snuff. Chuck Palahniuk may have just started the greatest trilogy ever and you can read the first book, Rant, today. I'm not giving any of it away because I won't only be demeaning it, knowing how I like to review things.

Spatula Madness is still moving along. I know Jason Steele is busy with a buncha other projects but pshh... he's gotta finish Spatula Madness.

Posted by Scribbler - July 27th, 2007

I am working on a new track and just as a bonus for those of you actually who regularly check back, you can listen to it, or what I have so far via the link I provided. Let me know what you think of it so far. It's still rough but I am working on it day in and day out. Think of this as a special subscriber's bonus. Ha.

Posted by Scribbler - July 23rd, 2007

Hello to all who actually read this.

I'm just making a news post to see how many people will actually answer... Other than that, here's some real news for those of you that care, or in other words, some stuff I am working on:

-Tv For Winners pilot with Nathaniel Milburn.
-Pilot for a show written by me, with art from Nathaniel Milburn and voice work from Joshua Tomar.
-Music for a "secret" game.
-Potential show with cardboard puppets.
-Buncha musical collabs with various artists.
-Actual album.
-Script for untitled movie.

Now as much as I would like to get "any" of these done, I can almost guarantee that only 12% will actually ever see the day of light. Haha. I need more sleep.

Posted by Scribbler - July 18th, 2007

Knowing Newgrounds the way I do, I knew that the redesign would only take a matter of hours. Take any other site and they may take up to a week just to redesign the site but not Newgrounds. Oh no, Newgrounds always has the people in mind. At first, I was overwhelmed by all the new additions but now that the hype has passed, I actually enjoy all the new features, the extra bells and whistles. With the old design, it would be easy to think why NG would need a staff... With this new design, a staff is necessary in order to maintain a site of such high class.

There are some quirks and I did run across a few errors at first but in the long run, I am sure that these will all be taken care of. No biggie. I am loving the audio portal now, the ability to add audio artists to favorites, and adding songs to favorites as well. Although the ability to vote everyday on songs is a nice idea, zero voters are going to be more rampant than ever but, what can you do? I really like the new profile system and the levels are fantastic and sexy.

In theory, this is just a test and I just want to see what a news post on my page may look like.