MCSMstudios is actually quite right.
"Looks like it was made in 2002."
That actually sums it all up, that's what I was feeling as I watched this. I do have to mention that the style and overall feel I got from this reminded me of classics such as 3 Ali, Machete Slap Dash, or even Minotaur Blues and I love all three of those movies. I'm always up for experimentation and this movie really does it. It's almost like I'm watching a bad grind house movie and I enjoy that. Dunno if that was the intention but I suggest that for the future episodes you don't take yourself seriously at all (not that you already are...) Also, use BIG BLOCKED OUT LETTERS for any titles and text you might have and make it grainy (or experiment some more!!!) Some of my favorite bits included the GIGANTIC man fight, the surprisingly fluid nunchuck animation and the terrible voice quality.
I don't know but this all gets a 9 from me! Partly because you guys are brits too. :)