
111 Movie Reviews

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Pretty impressive

Hey, even though this is a stick movie, it's still pretty impressive, can't wait for the final product... I love movies like those! One thing though, use music that doesn't keep on going even after the movie is done and reduce the quality of music, it takes up too much of the total size of the movie but tother than that, very good!!


That was very good for a first animation and I loved the ending!!! I am looking forward to more of your animations and I wonder if they will all involve fruit or not... You have lots of talent when it comes to drawing fruit... Believe me.

This has it all

This has it all, virtually flawless, voice acting of _KNOX_, humor, unpredictablity, fun, and some more fun. This was humorous and interesting to watch, I really love movies like this and I enjoyed the plot, truely genius at work. I would like to thank you for making such great movies.


This movie deserves people's attention...

ALright, this movie is awesome, I am giving it a 9 because of that and it is a unique, awesome style, good job, i liked it and some people said it was predictable, either i am dense, or it wasn't... Keep up the great wrok man, I really enjoyed it although the song was useless and irritating, please remove that and put in a better song nest time.

Pretty Good

Hey, this was pretty good overall but if you were to go into the details, it lacked in many areas. The sound, as the other guy said, kept going up and down but I kinda enjoyed the graphics... I mean I can understand why certain scenes show their faces and others don't but it just felt weird. Here's a peice of advice, redo this movie with better sound, more music, and no faces, then it'll be awesome. Make it no faces like in the first fight scene, you have talent.

I loved it

Wow, i loved this , I loved your style, the graphics, the sound, the plot, basically everything, you should make more like this, it's just fun and cool... I really loved this...

AngryAxel responds:

Thanx man, good to know that people still like this... The score is dropping tho... Aah, cya in the forums!


Very nicely done!

Alright, this maybe is the BEST Madness tribute I have seen so far, I mean this has color, it's not glitchy, it's smooth and looks awesome, make a lot of other madness ributes cause they will be worth it man... bleieve me.

alz34 responds:

thank you so much

i really appreciate it
well that >>>>>>1<<<<<<< good review

i hope i get a second:(


I have to say that that was awesome, this is one of the few movies I have been dying to see since, well, forever, it surpasses it's predecessors by FAR and not only is the body count higher, but they actually go outside instead of staying inside confined rooms all the time although the very first one was outside. Your style is very original, crafty, thoughtful, amusing, and detailed. The graphics were smoothe, again, and the plot was a little bit better and the special effects were awesome, I don't believe that the previous ones had any. Well, this really is justifiable and really lived up to it's expectations and although a sad ending, it had to happen some time and it was done with style! You really have talent man and I am looking forward to your other works of art, maybe you should keep up with the same style but with a different character and somewhere else than Nevada.



Okay, I watched the first one and I think that this is a suitable sequel, I liked it and not only was the file size smalled but the music suit the movie a little bit better but still not quite all it could of been... I actually like the story and all, please keep on making this series and I am so anxious to see episode three...

Duh, duh duh duh dah. duh duh duh dah, duh duh duh dah duh!

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